investor + operator of value-add real estate
AN INDUSTRY LEADER. With a career spanning over 25 years, including asset management of more than 40 million square feet and $5 billion of retail real estate, Principal Mark Worley has proven excellence in value-creation and operation of retail-oriented real estate. Experienced in acquisitions/dispositions, leasing, debt-structuring, asset repositioning, and redevelopment, Mr. Worley has applied his leadership and qualifications to private portfolios, publicly-traded REITs, fund-model investments, and joint-ventures.
what we're doing.
MW Investment Company is uniquely positioned to acquire assets of all sizes and asset class. Whether a vacant building, under-leased shopping center, or mispriced asset, MW Investment Company seeks opportunities for value creation through buying smart— optimizing financing and debt restructuring, thoughtful and experienced underwriting, in-depth market research, diligent property inspections, extensive tenant research and interviews.
MW Investment Company applies a superior understanding of what creates value in the market place. As a top expert in leasing, we use an aggressive, knock-on-every-door leasing approach, in addition to our tenant knowledge, market knowledge, and industry relationships, to outpace our competitors in maximizing occupancy. Through this aggressive leasing, redevelopment, and creative repositioning, MW Investment Company increases the value of its assets, stabilizing for disposition to institutional buyers and long-term holders.
Whether you are an investor looking to maximize a return or an owner in need of an operating partner to execute an asset-turnaround, MW Investment Company provides opportunities for partnerships and joint-ventures in a number of ways, including institutional partnerships for portfolio repositionings and matched equity partnerships.
let's chat.
Are you an investor, buyer, or seller looking to transact? Are you an owner in need of a partner with expertise in asset turnaround? Please fill out the form below to contact us regarding your opportunity.
For job inquiries, please email us your resume. We’re looking for new and exceptional talent.